DICK 4 DICK (Dickie Dreams, PL)

The band has been the same for years: playing gigs, recording, undressing on stage. They also do different things but their favorite thing seems to be sex. These four supermen landed on the Earth in 2004 and they want to satisfy all the women here. Thanks to their second album called "The Grey Album" they seem to be almost successful. The first album "Silver Ballads" consisted of rock anthems changed into the club style, synth-pop hits were played with heavy metal pathos. On the last album there is not a single cover. They simply became classic band and decided to play only their own songs.
Bobby Dick, Dick Dexter, Nygga Dick and Wet Dick Jr. were recording the album five times in order to achieve the best sound. At the time of the recording they were joined by Rocky the Dick which was very helpful for their libido.
It was really worth waiting for the album. It is the first album of this kind, here in Poland. "The Grey Album" makes you dance from the beginning. But at the same time you can hear its depth. Romantic and delicate, hard and brutal - it is the male music.
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Performance: 23.08.2008 (saturday) at 10:00pm - Teatr Letni (Summer Theatre)